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Joe Hart
Lump Sum Versus Dollar Cost Averaging Investing
Most people do not think twice about the timing of making contributions to a 401(k) plan that is automatically deducted from their...
Brian West
Maintaining Perspective
Maintaining perspective is critical for investing success. Yesterday's market decline of 3% or more has happened 307 times over the last...
Laura West
More Millennials In The Workforce
Millennials now outnumber every other generation in terms of number of workers in the workforce. However, the split is still close among...
Brian West
Are Tax Benefits of Municipal Bonds Worth the Lower Expected Return?
Everybody wants tax-free income and a municipal bond is a common strategy utilized by many investors to do just that. But, how do you...
West Financial Advisors
Enduring Advice Creates Alpha
Are you interested in earning 3% more per year on your investments? All you have to do is hire a qualified financial advisor, at least...
Laura West
Court ruling creates uncertainty for health care exchanges
Health care has been a controversial topic the last five years with the introduction of the Affordable Care Act. The drawn out...
Laura West
Moving On After A Fiscal Cliff
December comes every year, but for some reason Congress seems to forget and procrastinates until the last minute to set the tax rules for...
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